Lip Augmentation in Turkey

Lip Augmentation in Turkey

Lip Augmentation in Turkey

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Lip augmentation is a popular choice for people who want fuller, plumper lips. Here’s a breakdown of the different types you mentioned:

  • Lip Fillers: This is the most common and least invasive option. Hyaluronic acid is a popular filler because it’s naturally found in the body and breaks down over time (usually 6-12 months).
  • Implants: These are usually made of silicone or solid hyaluronic acid and are placed surgically inside the lips for a more permanent solution.
  • Fat Transfer: Fat is liposuctioned from another area of the body and injected into the lips. Results can be long-lasting but there’s a risk of the fat not surviving.
  • Lip Lifts: This surgical procedure shortens the distance between the nose and the upper lip, making the lips appear fuller.


What is lip augmentation?

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the appearance of your lips. It aims to make them look fuller, plumper, and more youthful. There are two main categories of lip augmentation:

  • Non-surgical: This is the most common type and involves injections of fillers, usually hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance already present in your body. Fillers add volume and definition to your lips, but the results are temporary, typically lasting 6-12 months.

  • Surgical: This is a more permanent option with various techniques like implants or fat transfers. Implants made of silicone or solid hyaluronic acid are placed inside the lips for long-lasting results. Fat transfers involve liposuctioning fat from another area and injecting it into the lips. Both surgical methods require incisions and have longer recovery times.

How long does lip augmentation last?

The duration of lip augmentation results depends on the specific procedure chosen:

  • Lip Fillers: Six months to a year is the typical timeframe before needing a touch-up. This is because your body naturally breaks down the filler material over time.
  • Fat Transfer: This offers longer-lasting fullness, potentially lasting at least five years. However, it’s not foolproof – there’s a possibility the transferred fat might not be permanently absorbed by your body.

Who’s a good candidate for lip augmentation?

Good candidates generally share these traits:

  • Healthy: Being in overall good health ensures your body can handle the procedure and heal well.
  • Non-smoker: Smoking can hinder healing and potentially impact the results. Ideally, you should be smoke-free or willing to quit before proceeding.
  • Infection-free: Active infections, especially around the lips like cold sores, require postponing the procedure.
  • Managed chronic conditions: Chronic health issues like diabetes or lupus need to be well-controlled to minimize risks.
  • Realistic expectations: Having a clear understanding of the limitations and desired outcome is crucial for satisfaction.

Procedure Details

How do I prepare for lip augmentation?

Here’s what you can do to prepare for lip augmentation:

Consult your doctor: They’ll provide specific instructions tailored to you and the chosen procedure.

Stop smoking: Ideally, quit smoking a few weeks before. Smoking can hinder healing and impact results.

Avoid blood thinners: Discuss medications and supplements with your doctor. They might recommend stopping or adjusting certain ones (aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil, multivitamins) to minimize bruising.

Dietary adjustments: Your doctor might recommend avoiding certain foods or drinks before the procedure, especially those that could increase bleeding.

Follow all instructions: This includes stopping medications, avoiding certain foods, and arriving with a clean face (if applicable) as directed by your doctor.

By following these steps and your doctor’s specific advice, you can help ensure a smooth and successful lip augmentation experience.

What happens before lip augmentation?

Here’s a breakdown of what happens before lip augmentation:

Pre-operative consultation:

  • This is your initial meeting with a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. It’s vital to discuss:

    • Your goals: What do you want to achieve with lip augmentation? Fuller lips? More definition? A specific shape?
    • Desired outcome: Be clear about the results you envision.
    • Medical history: Disclose any pre-existing medical conditions, medications, or allergies.
  • The doctor will:

    • Explain different lip augmentation options (fillers, implants, fat transfer, lip lift)
    • Discuss the pros, cons, and potential risks of each procedure.
    • Recommend the most suitable option based on your goals and anatomy.
    • Provide detailed instructions on how to prepare for the procedure, including:
      • Stopping smoking (ideally weeks in advance)
      • Discontinuing blood-thinning medications or supplements
      • Potential dietary adjustments
      • What to expect on the day of the procedure

Immediate pre-procedure preparation:

  • Follow your doctor’s specific instructions carefully. This might involve:

    • Stopping certain medications to minimize bruising.
    • Avoiding specific foods or drinks that could increase bleeding.
    • Arriving with a clean face free of makeup (if applicable).
  • On the day of the procedure:

    • Local anesthesia will likely be used to numb the lip area for comfort during injections.
    • In rare cases, if lip augmentation is part of multiple cosmetic surgeries, general anesthesia might be used, putting you to sleep entirely.

What happens during lip augmentation?

The specifics of your lip augmentation procedure depend on the chosen method:

Lip Fillers (Most common, least invasive):

  • A healthcare provider injects filler material, typically hyaluronic acid, into various lip locations using a fine needle.
  • The injection process is relatively quick, taking around 10-30 minutes.

Fat Transfer (More invasive, longer lasting):

  1. Liposuction removes fat from another area, often the abdomen.
  2. The extracted fat is purified.
  3. The processed fat is then injected into the lips for volume.
  • This entire procedure can take 60-90 minutes to complete.

Lip Implants (Surgical procedure):

  1. Local anesthesia numbs the lips.
  2. Tiny incisions are made at the corners of the mouth.
  3. A special clamp creates a tunnel within the lip.
  4. The implant is inserted through the tunnel using the clamp.
  5. The incisions are then closed with stitches.
  • This surgical procedure typically takes about 30 minutes.

Lip Lift (Surgical procedure, two main types):

  • Bullhorn Lip Lift:
    1. An incision is made under the nose.
    2. A small strip of skin is removed.
    3. The upper lip is lifted.
    4. The incision is closed with stitches.
  • Corner Lip Lift:
    1. Small incisions are made at the corners of the mouth.
    2. A small amount of skin is removed from those areas.
    3. The corners are lifted.
    4. Stitches close the incisions.
  • Lip lift procedures typically take about an hour.

What happens after lip augmentation?

Following your lip augmentation procedure, you can expect some aftercare instructions from your doctor to promote healing and optimize your results. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:

Post-care Instructions:

  • Diet: Your doctor might recommend sticking to soft foods for a few days after the procedure to minimize discomfort and promote healing of the injection sites or incisions (depending on the method used).
  • Rest and Elevation: Elevating your head while sleeping for a few nights can help reduce swelling in the lips.
  • Minimize Movement: Avoiding excessive talking, pouting, or other lip movements can also aid healing.
  • Cold Therapy: Applying an ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth to your lips for short intervals during the first few days can help manage swelling.

Potential Side Effects:

  • It’s important to be aware that some temporary side effects are common after lip augmentation. These might include:
    • Swelling: This is usually the most common side effect and typically peaks within 48 hours after the procedure.
    • Bruising: Bruising can occur around the injection sites or incision points, but it should resolve within a week or two.
    • Tenderness: Your lips might feel tender or sore for a few days.
    • Redness: Redness around the injection sites or incisions is also common and should subside within a few days.
    • Numbness: Temporary numbness in the lips can occur, especially with lip fillers.

Healing and Follow-up:

  • The healing timeline can vary depending on the specific procedure used. However, most people can expect noticeable improvement within a few days, with full healing taking a couple of weeks.
  • Your doctor will likely schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor your progress and address any concerns you might have.


What are the benefits of lip augmentation?

Here are the advantages of lip augmentation to consider:

  • Enhanced Appearance: The most sought-after benefit is achieving fuller lips, which can create a more balanced and youthful appearance. Plumper lips can add definition and improve facial proportions.

  • Minimal Downtime (depending on procedure): A big advantage is that lip augmentation procedures often require minimal downtime compared to other cosmetic surgeries. While healing times can vary (fillers being the quickest), you can typically resume most daily activities relatively soon after the procedure.

  • Reversibility (for some procedures): If you’re unsure about permanent results, this is a plus. Certain lip augmentation techniques are reversible. Hyaluronic acid fillers, for example, can be dissolved by a healthcare professional using an enzyme called hyaluronidase. If you opt for implants, they can also be surgically removed by a plastic surgeon.

  • Boosted Confidence: Many people experience a positive improvement in self-confidence after lip augmentation. Feeling good about your appearance can improve your overall well-being and social interactions.

A note from Estevien Clinic

Various non-surgical and surgical techniques are used in lip augmentation. Your plastic surgeon can inject fillers made of hyaluronic acid or your own fat for a fuller look. Alternatively, you may opt for lip implants or lip lift for permanent enhancement. Estevien experts will assist you in determining the right lip augmentation procedure for your lips and goals.