Cheek Lift Cost Turkey – Mid Face Lift

Cheek Lift Cost Turkey – Mid Face Lift

Cheek Lift Cost Turkey – Mid Face Lift

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The average cost of Mid Facelift surgery in Turkey ranges from 3218$ to 10347$.

United States of AmericaTurkeyUnited Kingdom
Mid Faceliftfrom $3741from $3218from $3950


What is a cheek lift?

A cheek lift, also known as a midface lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the midface by addressing signs of aging such as:

  • Loss of volume in the cheeks: This can cause the face to appear sunken and tired.
  • Deepening of smile lines (nasolabial folds): These are the lines that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  • Sagging skin: This can occur along the jawline and cheeks.

The surgery involves lifting and repositioning the soft tissues of the midface to create a more youthful and defined contour.

What does a cheek lift do?

This creates a more defined and youthful contour, reducing the appearance of hollowness and sunken cheeks.
By lifting the underlying tissues, it helps diminish the deep creases that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth.
By repositioning tissues and potentially removing excess skin, it can make cheekbones appear more prominent, creating a sculpted look.

Who is a good candidate for a cheek lift?

Here are some characteristics of good candidates for this procedure:

Physically healthy: You should be in good overall health and have no underlying medical conditions that could hinder healing or increase surgical risks.

Realistic expectations: Having realistic expectations about the outcome is crucial. While a cheek lift can improve your appearance, it won’t completely stop the aging process. Understanding and accepting the limitations will help you achieve greater satisfaction with the results.

Specific concerns: You are a good candidate if you have specific concerns about the midface area.

How common is a cheek lift in a woman and a man?


  • Significantly more common: Statistics from the American Academy of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery indicate that roughly 85% of all facelift procedures, including cheek lifts, are performed on women. [Source about facelift statistics]


  • Less common, but increasing: While the percentage of male cheek lift patients is lower, it’s steadily increasing. This suggests that men are becoming more comfortable with pursuing cosmetic procedures to address their aesthetic concerns.

Steps of Procedure

How should I prepare for a cheek lift?

Here’s a concise overview of cheek lift preparation:

  • Consultation: Discuss goals, medical history, and expectations with your surgeon.
  • Medical clearance: Get clearance from your doctor if needed.
  • Lifestyle adjustments:
    • Stop smoking (ideally weeks beforehand).
    • Adjust medications as advised by surgeon.
    • Maintain a healthy diet.
    • Avoid alcohol and certain supplements.
  • Logistics: Arrange transportation and post-surgery help.
  • Get a good night's sleep.
  • Shower and wash hair (no styling products).
  • Avoid eating or drinking as instructed.

What procedures can you combine with a mid facelift?

Several procedures can be combined with a mid-facelift for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation:

ProcedureDescriptionPurpose in Combination with Mid-Facelift
Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty)Addresses puffiness, wrinkles, and sagging skin around the eyes.Complements mid-facelift by rejuvenating the entire eye area for a more balanced look.
Brow LiftLifts and smoothes the brow area, eliminating frown lines.Creates a more youthful appearance and complements the mid-facelift by lifting and opening up the upper portion of the face.
Neck LiftTightens and contours the neck and jawline.Provides a harmonious look by addressing signs of aging in the lower face to complement the rejuvenated mid-face.
Fat TransferTransfers fat from other areas to address volume loss in the cheeks and mid-face.Offers a natural and long-lasting way to add volume to the mid-face, enhancing the lifting effects of the mid-facelift.
Injectables (Fillers)Fillers like botox or hyaluronic acid can address specific wrinkles or add subtle volume.Further refines the results of the mid-facelift by addressing specific wrinkles or adding subtle volume for a smoother and more youthful appearance.

What happens during a cheek lift?

Here’s a simplified breakdown of what happens during a cheek lift:

  • Consultation: Discuss goals, medical history, and expectations with your surgeon.
  • Preparation: Follow specific instructions like quitting smoking and avoiding certain medications.
  1. Anesthesia: General anesthesia is common, but local anesthesia with sedation may be used in specific cases.
  2. Incisions: They are typically made in inconspicuous areas like the hairline or under the lower eyelashes.
  3. Lifting and Repositioning: The surgeon lifts and repositions the underlying tissues, including muscle and fat, to address sagging and volume loss.
  4. Excess Skin Removal: If needed, excess skin in the cheek area may be removed.
  5. Closing the Incisions: Sutures or stitches close the incisions.

Where are the incisions for a cheek lift?

There are several approaches to a cheek lift, and the location of the incisions will vary depending on the specific technique used by the surgeon. Here are some of the most common incision locations:

  • Standard rhytidectomy (facelift) incision: This traditional approach involves an incision made around the ear, extending into the hairline and sometimes down the neck.
  • Transoral incision: This less common approach involves making an incision inside the mouth, above the upper lip. This approach minimizes external scarring but may have a longer recovery time.

  • Endoscopic temporal incision: This minimally invasive technique uses small incisions hidden within the hairline near the temples. A thin, long instrument with a camera is inserted through these incisions to visualize and manipulate the underlying tissues.

How long does a cheek lift take?

General estimate, most cheek lift procedures take approximately two to three hours to complete. This timeframe is exclusive of preparation and recovery time, which can add additional hours to the overall experience.

What happens after a cheek lift?

After a cheek lift, you can expect to experience a series of typical post-operative effects:

  • Bruising and swelling: This is common and usually reaches its peak within the first 48 hours. It will gradually subside over the next 1-2 weeks.
  • Pain: You might experience mild to moderate pain, typically managed with medication provided by your surgeon.
  • Numbness: The areas around the incisions may feel numb due to temporary nerve disruption. This typically resolves within a few weeks or months.
  • Tightness: Your face may feel tight and pulled due to the repositioned tissues. This sensation should gradually lessen as healing progresses.
  • Rest and recovery: You'll likely need to take at least a week off work to allow for proper healing and minimize complications.
  • Limited activity: Strenuous activities and exercise should be avoided for several weeks to prevent undue stress on the surgical site.
  • Head elevation: Sleeping with your head elevated helps reduce swelling.
  • Wound care: Your doctor will provide specific instructions on caring for the incisions, which might involve cleaning and applying dressings.
  • Gradual improvement: Swelling and bruising will continue to fade, revealing the initial results of the surgery.
  • Scarring: Scars will initially appear red and raised but will gradually soften and become less noticeable over time.
  • Follow-up appointments: You'll have regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor healing and address any concerns.
  • Final results: It can take up to a year for the final results of your cheek lift to become fully visible as swelling completely resolves and tissues settle.
  • Maintenance: While the procedure aims for long-lasting effects, the aging process continues. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and sun protection can help preserve the results.

Risks / Benefits

What are the benefits of a cheek lift?

Here are some of the potential benefits of a cheek lift:

  • Reduced sagging: The primary goal of a cheek lift is to address sagging skin and tissues in the mid-face, specifically the cheeks and upper jowls. This can create a more youthful and defined facial contour.
  • Softened wrinkles and folds: By lifting the sagging tissues, a cheek lift can also help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and folds, particularly the nasolabial folds (smile lines) and marionette lines (lines extending down from the corners of the mouth).
  • Enhanced cheekbones: Lifting and repositioning tissues can contribute to a more prominent and defined appearance of the cheekbones.
  • Smoother under-eye area: In some cases, a cheek lift can indirectly improve the appearance of the under-eye area by reducing puffiness and smoothing out lines.

How long does a cheek lift last?

A cheek lift can offer long-lasting results, typically lasting around 10 years.

What are the risks or complications of a mid facelift?

Here are some key risks associated with a mid-facelift:

  • Anesthesia: Reactions, breathing problems, medication interactions.
  • Bleeding: During or after surgery, potentially forming blood collections.
  • Infection: Uncommon but requires prompt medical attention.
  • Skin issues: Numbness, discoloration, unfavorable scarring.
  • Nerve damage: Temporary/permanent muscle weakness or altered sensation.
  • Asymmetry: Uncommon, but facial imbalance can occur.


What is the recovery time for a cheek lift?

The recovery time for a cheek lift typically involves the following phases:

  • 1-2 weeks: Most noticeable bruising and swelling subside.
  • 2-3 weeks: You can likely return to work and normal activities.
  • 2-3 months: Full results become visible as swelling completely resolves.

Common Questions

Is a cheek lift the same as a facelift surgery?

While both address aging concerns, cheek lifts and facelifts differ:

  • Cheek lift: Targets mid-face, shorter incisions, quicker recovery (1-2 weeks).
  • Facelift: Addresses entire lower face and neck, longer incisions, longer recovery (2-4 weeks).

Consult a Estevien Expert to determine the best option for you.