Butt Lifting Surgery Cost 2024 in Turkey

Butt Lifting Surgery Cost 2024 in Turkey

Butt Liftting Surgery Cost 2024 in Turkey

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PurposeImprove appearance of buttocks by lifting sagging skin and creating a smoother, more toned look. Does not increase volume.
Ideal CandidateGood overall health, non-smoker, realistic expectations, loose skin or extra fat in buttocks.
Not Ideal CandidateUncontrolled health conditions, unrealistic expectations, smokers, unstable weight.
CostThe average cost of Butt lift in Turkey ranges from 3590$ to 1125$.
ProcedureInvolves pulling up excess skin and may use liposuction for shaping. Incision locations vary.
RecoveryTakes time, involves swelling, wearing compression garments, and specific incision care.
RisksBleeding, infection, scarring, numbness.
BenefitsRemoves excess skin, improves sagging, long-lasting results (with weight maintenance).
Alternative (for volume)Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) uses liposuctioned fat for enhancement.


What is a butt lift?

A butt lift, also known as a gluteal lift or lower back lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to improve the appearance of your buttocks. Here’s a breakdown of its key aspects:

  • Purpose: It addresses sagging skin and improves the shape and contour of your buttocks. This results in a smoother, firmer, and more lifted appearance.

  • What it doesn’t do: Unlike procedures like a Brazilian butt lift (BBL), a butt lift doesn’t aim to increase the size of your buttocks.

  • Benefits: It can be ideal for individuals who have experienced significant weight loss or aging, leading to loose or sagging skin in the buttocks area. The results can be long-lasting if you maintain a stable weight.

Who’s a good candidate for a butt lift?

Here are the characteristics of a good candidate for a butt lift:

  • Good Physical Health: You should be in overall good health with no underlying conditions that could complicate healing or surgery.
  • Non-Smoker: Smoking can restrict blood flow and hinder the healing process.
  • Realistic Expectations: It’s important to understand that a butt lift focuses on lifting and tightening existing buttocks, not increasing size.
  • Loose Skin or Extra Fat: The ideal candidate has sagging skin or unwanted fat deposits in the buttocks that they want addressed.
  • Stable Weight: Maintaining a stable weight after surgery is crucial for long-lasting results.

Who isn’t a good candidate for a butt lift?

Individuals with the following characteristics are generally not good candidates for a butt lift:

  • Those who struggle with a longer recovery: Butt lift recovery can be demanding, involving swelling, limitations on movement, and specific care routines. If someone isn’t prepared to dedicate themselves to this healing process, it might not be the best option.
  • Smokers who cannot quit: Smoking significantly hinders healing and increases the risk of complications during and after surgery. Quitting well in advance (typically 6 weeks or more) is crucial.
  • People with uncontrolled health problems: Certain pre-existing medical conditions, like heart disease or uncontrolled diabetes, can pose a greater risk during surgery. A consultation with a plastic surgeon is essential to determine if the risks outweigh the benefits for individuals with such conditions.
  • Individuals with unrealistic expectations: A butt lift focuses on lifting and tightening existing buttocks, not significantly increasing size. If someone expects a dramatic volume boost, they’ll likely be disappointed. Realistic expectations about the procedure’s outcome are important.
  • Those with fluctuating weight: Weight fluctuations can negatively impact the results of a butt lift. Maintaining a stable weight before and after surgery is crucial for long-lasting improvements.

What’s the difference between BBL and a butt lift?

The key difference between a butt lift and a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) lies in their goals and methods:

FeatureButt LiftBrazilian Butt Lift (BBL)
GoalTighten, reshape, address saggingEnhance, add volume
MethodSkin lifting, excess skin removalLiposuction (fat removal), fat grafting (fat injection)
Volume IncreaseNoYes

When will I see results from butt lift surgery?

After a butt lift surgery, you won’t see the full results immediately. Here’s a timeline to manage expectations:

  • Immediately After: You’ll likely experience swelling and bruising, which can obscure the final outcome. Your buttocks might appear fuller due to swelling, but this isn’t the final shape.

  • 3-6 Months: This is when the magic happens! As swelling subsides, the final results of the butt lift become more evident. Your body heals and settles, revealing the sculpted look you desired.

Procedure Details

How do I prepare for butt lift surgery?

Getting ready for butt lift surgery involves several steps to optimize your health and ensure a smooth procedure. Here’s a breakdown of what your plastic surgeon might recommend:

  • Smoking Cessation: Smoking significantly hinders healing and increases the risk of complications. Quitting at least 6 weeks before surgery is crucial.

  • Medication Adjustments: Certain medications like aspirin or blood thinners that can increase bleeding might need to be stopped well in advance. Discuss any medications you take with your surgeon to determine if adjustments are necessary.

  • Medical History Disclosure: Be upfront about your complete medical history, including any pre-existing conditions and medications you’re currently taking. This transparency helps your surgeon assess your suitability for surgery and plan accordingly.

  • Lab Tests and Imaging: Blood tests to evaluate your overall health and imaging studies like X-rays or ultrasounds to visualize your anatomy might be required. These tests help ensure a safe and effective surgery.

  • Weight Management: Maintaining a stable weight is ideal. Significant weight fluctuations can negatively impact the results and recovery process.

  • Dietary and Nutritional Guidance: Your surgeon might recommend specific dietary adjustments to optimize healing and prepare your body for surgery. This could involve focusing on nutrient-rich foods and potentially avoiding certain foods or drinks.

  • Post-Surgical Care Planning: Discuss arrangements for transportation home after surgery, who will help you during recovery, and any necessary supplies you might need, like compression garments or pain medication.

By following these pre-operative instructions diligently, you’ll be well on your way to a safe and successful butt lift surgery.

What happens before butt lift surgery?

Before undergoing butt lift surgery, there are several steps to ensure you’re prepared and the procedure goes smoothly. Here’s a breakdown of what typically happens:

Pre-operative Consultation: This is the foundation. You’ll meet your plastic surgeon to discuss:

  • Your goals and expectations: What do you hope to achieve with the surgery?
  • Medical history: Sharing any pre-existing conditions and medications you take is crucial.
  • Concerns and questions: Don’t hesitate to ask anything you’re unsure about.

The surgeon will examine you, explain the procedure thoroughly, and address your questions.

Medical Clearance: Your doctor might need to review your medical history and perform tests (blood tests, X-rays) to ensure you’re healthy enough for surgery.

Medication Adjustments: Certain medications like blood thinners that can increase bleeding might need to be stopped well in advance. Discuss any medications with your surgeon to see if adjustments are necessary.

Anesthesia Plan: An anesthesiologist will discuss the type of anesthesia (general to be asleep or local with sedation) most suitable for you.

Antibiotics: You’ll likely be prescribed antibiotics to take before and after surgery to minimize infection risk.

Fasting Instructions: Specific instructions on when to stop eating and drinking before surgery will be provided.

Marking Incision Sites: During a consultation or just before surgery, the surgeon might mark the planned incision lines on your buttocks.

Compression Garment: You might be advised to wear a compression garment after surgery to aid with swelling and healing.

What happens during butt lift surgery?

During a butt lift surgery, which typically lasts several hours, your plastic surgeon will address sagging skin and reshape your buttocks. Here’s a breakdown of the key steps:


  • General anesthesia is usually used, ensuring you’re asleep and pain-free throughout the procedure.

Liposuction (Optional):

  • In some cases, liposuction might be used to remove excess fat from your abdomen, thighs, or flanks. This fat could potentially be used for additional shaping or volume in the buttocks, but that’s not the main focus of a butt lift.

Skin Lifting:

  • The surgeon makes strategic incisions based on the chosen technique. Common incision locations include:
    • Lower back (creates a lifted and contoured look)
    • Hips (targets excess skin in the hip area)
    • Underneath the buttocks (provides better access for lifting and tightening)

Skin Redraping and Suturing:

  • Excess skin is removed, and the remaining skin is pulled upwards and tightened to achieve a smoother, lifted appearance. The surgeon then meticulously closes the incisions with stitches, tape, or other materials.

Dressings and Drains:

  • Sterile dressings are applied to the incisions for protection.
  • In some cases, temporary drainage tubes might be placed under the skin to drain excess fluids and prevent swelling.

What happens after butt lift surgery?

After a butt lift surgery, recovery involves several stages to ensure proper healing and optimal results. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

Immediately After Surgery:

  • Recovery Area: Following surgery, you’ll be monitored in a designated recovery area until the anesthesia wears off and your vital signs are stable. This ensures your safety and allows for initial recovery.

  • Discharge: Depending on your surgeon’s protocol and your individual case, you might be discharged home the same day or stay overnight for observation. You’ll definitely need a friend or family member to drive you home safely as you won’t be able to operate a vehicle.

Post-Surgical Care:

  • Incision Care: You’ll receive detailed instructions on how to clean and dress your incisions to prevent infection and promote healing. This might involve using sterile solutions and gauze dressings.

  • Drain Management (if applicable): If temporary drainage tubes were placed during surgery to remove excess fluids, your surgeon will provide specific instructions on managing them and when they’ll be removed.

  • Rest and Activity Restrictions: Strenuous activities will likely be restricted for several weeks to allow your body to heal. Gentle walking or light movement might be encouraged to aid circulation and prevent blood clots.

  • Sleeping Position: Sleeping on your stomach will likely be discouraged to avoid putting pressure on the surgical site. Sleeping on your back or side with pillows for support might be recommended.

  • Compression Garments: Wearing a compression garment as instructed by your surgeon is crucial. This helps to reduce swelling, promote skin tightening, and improve blood circulation.

  • Pain Management: Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort you experience after surgery. Take medication as directed and don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor if the pain isn’t adequately controlled.

  • Blood Clot Prevention: Medications like blood thinners or wearing compression stockings might be recommended to reduce the risk of blood clots, a potential complication after surgery.


What are the advantages of a butt lift?

Here’s a rundown of the potential advantages of a butt lift:

Improved Appearance:

  • Addresses Sagging Skin: A butt lift targets loose skin, removing excess tissue and tightening the remaining skin. This creates a smoother, more lifted, and youthful look in the buttocks. This is particularly beneficial for those who’ve lost a significant amount of weight or experienced sagging due to aging.
  • Optional Buttock Shaping: Sometimes, liposuction can be performed in conjunction with a butt lift. Liposuction removes unwanted fat deposits and can be used to sculpt the buttocks for a more defined shape.

Long-Lasting Results (with weight management):

  • Skin Tightening: The tightening of tissues during the procedure can provide long-lasting improvements in the buttocks’ appearance, as long as your weight stays within a stable range.
  • Reduced Cellulite Appearance: Tightening the skin can also help minimize the visibility of cellulite, a common concern for many people.

Potential Psychological Benefit:

  • Enhanced Body Image: For some individuals, a butt lift can lead to increased confidence and satisfaction with their body image. Feeling good about your physical appearance can have positive effects on various aspects of life.


What is the recovery time for butt lift surgery?

Getting back on your feet after butt lift surgery involves a gradual process. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect regarding recovery time:

Initial Recovery (First Few Days):

  • Discomfort, swelling, and bruising are normal after surgery. Pain medication will be prescribed to manage these.
  • Sitting can be uncomfortable, so using a donut-shaped pillow or other support cushions to elevate your buttocks and avoid pressure on the incisions becomes crucial.
  • Sleeping on your stomach is generally discouraged to prevent tension on the surgical area. Sleeping on your back or side with pillows for support might be recommended by your surgeon.

Gradual Improvement (Weeks 2-6):

  • You’ll gradually see a reduction in swelling and bruising.
  • Light activities can be slowly resumed, but strenuous exercise will still be restricted.
  • Wearing a compression garment as instructed by your surgeon is likely necessary to continue promoting healing.

Long-Term Healing (Months):

  • Several months can pass before the complete results of the butt lift become fully visible as swelling entirely resolves.
  • Scar maturation is a gradual process as well. Initially, scars might appear red and raised, but they will fade and flatten over time.

A note from Estevien Clinic

Buttock lift removes excess skin and improves sagging, creating a smoother, more toned appearance. However, buttock lift surgery does not add volume to your buttocks. The recovery from a buttock lift procedure can take a long time. Like any cosmetic procedure, this also comes with potential risks. Discuss with Estevien Clinic whether buttock lift or any other procedure is suitable for you.