Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty) in Turkey Cost 2024

Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty) in Turkey Cost 2024

Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty) in Turkey Cost 2024

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The cost of abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) surgery in Istanbul, Turkey in 2024 can vary depending on several factors, but generally ranges between $3,000 and $8,000

Procedure NameTummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
GoalSmoother, firmer abdomen
Ideal CandidatesExcess skin/fat, weakened muscles
Procedure TypesFull, Mini, Circumferential
Duration2-4 hours
AnesthesiaGeneral or Local
IncisionsVaried depending on type
TechniquesLiposuction, Fascial repair, Skin removal
RecoveryWeeks to months
RisksInfection, bleeding, scarring, etc.
BenefitsImproved body contour, confidence boost
DrawbacksSurgical procedure, cost, scarring
Recovery MilestoneDurationDetails
Surgery Duration2-4 hoursN/A
Anesthesia TypeGeneralN/A
Hospital Stay1 dayMay vary depending on individual healing
Up and Mobile1 dayAssisted walking initially
Showering1 weekAvoid direct water on incisions
Sexual Activity6 weeksRestricted due to healing and sensitivity
Post-operative Garment6 weeks24/7 initially, then 16-24 hours daily
Sleeping Position4 weeksOn back to reduce swelling and support healing
Exercise Restrictions6 weeksLight activity encouraged, gradually increase intensity
Full Recovery6 weeksResumption of normal activities
Final Results Visible6 monthsScars may continue to fade for up to a year
Length of Stay in Turkey7 daysMay vary depending on individual needs and post-operative care
Comprehensive Tummy Tuck Packages in Turkey
✅​ Preoperative Examinations
✅​ Examination of the Anaesthesiologist
✅​ Examination by a pulmonologist
✅​ Latest Technology Operating Theatre Equipment
✅​ General Anaesthesia
✅​ Postoperative 1 year physician control
✅​ Dietitian Support for 1 Year After Operation
✅​ Lifelong Postoperative Patient Care
✅​ Medicines to be used after surgery
✅​ Supplements to be used after surgery
✅​ Compression Stockings
✅​ Breath Exercise Device
✅​ VIP Transfers
✅​ 3-4 nights hotel accommodation

Estevien Clinic offers competitive prices for tummy tuck surgery. We also offer a number of financing options to help you make your surgery more affordable.

Estevien Clinic caters specifically to medical tourists, making their processes streamlined and efficient. We prioritize providing high-quality tummy tuck care at competitive prices.

Estevien Clinic offers different types of tummy tuck procedures, including mini tummy tucks, which are less extensive and typically cheaper than full tummy tucks.

You can get price information from Estevien clinic’s expert consultants immediately by contacting Whatsapp or contact forms.

Abdominoplasty Cost in the UK and Turkey

Abdominoplasty surgery can be quite expensive in the UK. Prices often run around £6000, which can force many people to delay or finance the procedure. While location plays a role in cost, with surgeons in London typically charging more, other factors are also at play.

Considering cosmetic surgery abroad is a growing trend, and Turkey has become a popular destination for abdominoplasty due to its affordability and quality. Istanbul clinics boast advanced technology on par with the UK, and offer the procedure at a significantly reduced price. The cost of abdominoplasty in Istanbul can vary depending on individual needs, but Estevien Clinic offers packages starting at £2299 that include the surgery, flights, accommodation, and aftercare. This is a substantial saving compared to the cost of surgery alone in the UK.

What is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that aims to improve the shape and appearance of the abdomen. It primarily involves:

Removal of excess skin and fat: This addresses loose skin and bulging fat deposits, typically accumulated after significant weight loss, pregnancy, or aging.

Tightening of abdominal muscles: Weakened or separated abdominal muscles can contribute to a protruding abdomen. The surgery typically reconnects and tightens these muscles for a flatter and firmer appearance.

Reshaping the belly button: In most cases, the belly button needs to be repositioned after skin and muscle modifications. The surgeon creates a new opening for the belly button in its desired location.

Who is Eligible for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Good candidates for tummy tuck surgery are typically:

  • In good physical health and maintain a stable weight: Your overall health and ability to heal are crucial considerations. Being within a healthy BMI range or at your target weight significantly increases successful outcomes.
  • Concerned about excess skin and fat in the abdomen: Loose skin and stubborn fat deposits, often due to significant weight loss, pregnancy, or aging, are primary targets for this procedure.
  • Have weakened or separated abdominal muscles: Diastasis recti, a condition where the abdominal muscles separate, can be addressed and improved with a tummy tuck.
  • Realistic in their expectations: Understanding the limitations of the surgery and focusing on realistic improvements to self-image rather than aiming for an unattainable ideal physique is important.
  • Non-smokers: Smoking negatively impacts healing and increases complication risks.

Who is Not Suitable for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Here’s a breakdown of people who might not be suitable for tummy tuck surgery:

  • Significant or uncontrolled medical conditions: Chronically ill individuals or those with conditions like uncontrolled diabetes, heart disease, or severe bleeding disorders face higher risks.
  • Active infections: Any active infections, including in the surgical area, could hinder healing and increase complication risks.
  • Obesity: People significantly above their ideal weight are not suitable for tummy tuck. Achieving a healthy weight through diet and exercise is encouraged before considering surgery.
  • Uncontrolled mental health conditions: Unmanaged mental health conditions like severe anxiety or depression might not offer good candidacy due to potential challenges with adhering to pre- and post-operative requirements.

Tummy Tuck Procedure Steps

  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia is typically used for tummy tuck surgery.
  • Incisions: The type and location of incisions will depend on the extent of the surgery. Common incisions include a horizontal incision across the lower abdomen, just above the pubic area, and a vertical incision around the belly button.
  • Fat removal: Excess fat is removed through liposuction or surgical excision.
  • Muscle tightening: Weakened or separated abdominal muscles are reconnected and tightened to create a flatter and firmer abdomen.
  • Skin removal: Excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is pulled taut and secured with sutures.
  • Belly button repositioning: The belly button is detached and repositioned in its desired location.
  • Drainage tubes: Small tubes may be inserted to drain excess fluid from the surgical site.
  • Closing the incisions: The incisions are closed with sutures or staples.

What are the different types of tummy tuck surgery?

1. Full Tummy Tuck:

  • This is the most comprehensive option, tackling excess skin and weakened muscles across the entire abdomen.
  • It involves two incisions: one below the belly button and another around the navel.
  • Excess skin and fat are removed, muscles are tightened, and the skin is repositioned for a flatter, firmer midsection.
  • Ideal for patients with significant skin laxity, weakened muscles, or prominent stretch marks.

2. Mini Tummy Tuck:

  • Less extensive than a full tuck, focusing solely on the lower abdomen below the belly button.
  • A single incision is made just above the pubic mound.
  • Suitable for patients with mild to moderate skin laxity and a “pooch” in the lower abdomen.

3. Extended Tummy Tuck:

  • Designed for patients with significant skin laxity extending to the flanks and upper abdomen, often after massive weight loss.
  • A single, longer incision wraps around the abdomen to the hips.
  • Addresses excess skin in both the upper and lower abdomen, flanks, and back.

4. Fleur-De-Lis Tummy Tuck:

  • Combines a full tummy tuck with an incision in the shape of a fleur-de-lis, extending to the pubic area.
  • Targets loose skin and muscles in the lower abdomen and pubic area for a rejuvenated appearance.
  • Often recommended for patients with significant skin laxity and weakened pelvic floor muscles.

5. Drainless Tummy Tuck:

  • A variation of the full or mini tuck that utilizes specialized techniques to minimize fluid accumulation.
  • Reduces the need for traditional drainage tubes, promoting a more comfortable recovery.
  • May not be suitable for all patients, depending on individual factors.

What you need to know about your tummy tuck recovery

Tummy tuck recovery, while exciting for the potential outcomes, is a process demanding patience, care, and understanding. Here’s what you need to know:


  • Phase 1 (Days 1-4): Expect significant discomfort, swelling, bruising, and drainage. You’ll wear a compression garment and likely require pain medication. Rest is paramount.
  • Phase 2 (Weeks 1-6): Discomfort and swelling gradually lessen. You can resume light activities like walking. Drainage tubes are typically removed during this phase.
  • Phase 3 (Weeks 6-12): Movement becomes easier, and swelling further reduces. Light exercise like yoga may be possible. Scars start to improve.
  • Phase 4 (Beyond 12 weeks): Most restrictions are lifted, and you can gradually return to strenuous activities. Final results become more evident, with continued scar fading.

Key Aspects:

  • Rest and Proper Positioning: Prioritize ample sleep and elevate your upper body while sleeping to reduce swelling.
  • Pain Management: Follow your doctor’s instructions regarding pain medication to ensure proper healing.
  • Drains and Incision Care: Learn proper drainage tube management and incision cleaning techniques to prevent infection.
  • Compression Garment: Wearing your compression garment as instructed helps reduce swelling and promote proper healing.
  • Activities and Exercise: Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for several weeks. Gradually return to exercise following your doctor’s advice.
  • Diet and Hydration: Maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated to support optimal healing.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Attend all scheduled appointments with your doctor to monitor progress and address any concerns.

Why Choose Estevien Clinic for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Here are some reasons why you might choose Estevien Clinic for tummy tuck surgery:

  • Experienced surgeons: The clinic has a team of experienced and board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in tummy tuck surgery. They have a proven track record of success and can help you achieve your desired results.

  • Advanced technology: Estevien Clinic uses the latest technology in tummy tuck surgery, such as minimally invasive techniques and liposuction. This can help to minimize your downtime and scarring.

  • Patient-centered care: Estevien Clinic is committed to providing patient-centered care. They will work with you to understand your individual needs and goals and develop a personalized treatment plan.

  • Positive patient reviews: Estevien Clinic has a number of positive patient reviews on Google and other websites. This suggests that patients are generally satisfied with the care they receive at the clinic.

Why does Tummy Tuck Cost in Turkey Cheap?

There are several factors contributing to the significantly lower cost of tummy tucks in Turkey compared to many other countries, particularly those in Western Europe and North America:

Lower cost of living: Turkey has a generally lower cost of living than many other developed nations. This translates to lower expenses for operating rooms, staff salaries, medical supplies, and other overhead costs associated with running a medical facility.

Competitive market: Turkey has a thriving medical tourism industry, with a high concentration of experienced and qualified plastic surgeons in major cities like Istanbul and Antalya. This fierce competition drives down prices as clinics strive to attract patients with affordable packages.

Government support: The Turkish government actively promotes medical tourism, offering financial incentives and regulatory support to healthcare providers. This encourages clinics to keep their prices competitive while maintaining high quality standards.

Favorable exchange rate: Compared to currencies like the US dollar and the Euro, the Turkish lira has a weaker exchange rate. This makes medical procedures in Turkey even more affordable for international patients.

Focus on package deals: Many Turkish clinics offer comprehensive packages that include the surgery itself, hospital stay, transportation, and even accommodation. This can be considerably cheaper than paying for each service separately in other countries.

Is it Safe To Have A Tummy Tuck in Turkey?

Tummy Tucks in Turkey are safe if performed by qualified surgeons in accredited facilities.

  • Experienced surgeons: Turkey boasts a high concentration of skilled and qualified plastic surgeons, particularly in major cities like Istanbul and Antalya. Many have trained abroad and possess extensive experience in performing tummy tucks.
  • Modern facilities: Many Turkish clinics are equipped with modern technology and facilities that meet international standards.
  • Package deals: Many clinics offer comprehensive packages that include the surgery, hospital stay, medications, transportation, and even accommodation, making the process more convenient and potentially more affordable.

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