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Face surgery, is a broad term encompassing various surgical procedures aimed at improving the appearance of the face. It involves techniques such as facelift, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and chin augmentation, among others, to address specific concerns and achieve facial harmony.

Face Surgery Types

  • Facelift: Addresses sagging facial skin, jowls, and wrinkles for a more youthful appearance.
  • Rhinoplasty: Reshapes and enhances the nose to improve its aesthetics and function.
  • Blepharoplasty: Corrects droopy eyelids or removes excess skin and fat around the eyes.
  • Chin Augmentation: Enhances the shape and proportion of the chin for better facial balance.

What are the pros and cons of Face Surgery?

Pros: Face surgery offers the opportunity to enhance facial features, reduce signs of aging, improve facial symmetry, and boost self-confidence. It can address concerns such as sagging skin, wrinkles, facial asymmetry, and disproportionate features, helping individuals achieve a more youthful and balanced appearance.

Cons: Face surgery is a surgical procedure and, like any surgery, carries potential risks such as infection, scarring, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. Results may not always meet unrealistic expectations, and there may be a need for revision surgeries in some cases.

$ 1750

Prices Starting From

30M – 1  Hours

Operation Time

5 Days

Staying in Turkey

1 Day


4 Days

Hotel Stay

The cost of mentoplasty in Turkey can vary depending on several factors, including the specific procedure (augmentation or reduction), surgeon’s experience, clinic location, and additional services. Prices for mentoplasty in Turkey generally range from 1500$-4000$. To obtain an accurate estimate based on individual needs, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon.

Good candidates for mentoplasty are individuals who have realistic expectations, good overall health, and specific concerns about the appearance of their chin. Candidates may include those with a receding or weak chin, a prominent or asymmetrical chin, or a desire to achieve better facial balance and harmony. A consultation with a skilled plastic surgeon is essential to determine candidacy and discuss personalized treatment options.

Results after mentoplasty are typically noticeable immediately, although initial swelling and bruising are common. As the healing process progresses and the swelling subsides, the final results will become more apparent, revealing an enhanced and harmonious chin contour.

Recovery time for mentoplasty varies among individuals, but most patients can expect a recovery period of a few weeks. During this time, it’s important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon, including proper wound care, avoiding strenuous activities, and wearing a supportive chin strap if required.

During a mentoplasty procedure, the surgeon will administer anesthesia for your comfort. The specific technique used will depend on the desired outcome and your unique chin anatomy. It may involve the placement of a chin implant to enhance chin projection or reshaping the existing bone structure to achieve the desired chin contour and proportions.

Before / After

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