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Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at reconstructing or restoring the hymen, a thin membrane located at the opening of the vagina. Hymenoplasty is commonly sought for cultural, religious, or personal reasons. It involves repairing the hymenal tissue to recreate the appearance and function of an intact hymen.
Hymenoplasty Surgeon in Turkey: Hymenoplasty procedures in Turkey are performed by qualified plastic surgeons who specialize in vaginal reconstruction. Turkey offers a range of clinics and services, and it is important to choose a reputable and experienced surgeon to ensure the best possible outcome.

What are the pros and cons of Hymenoplasty?

Pros: Hymenoplasty can provide several benefits, including restoring cultural or personal significance, addressing emotional concerns, and providing a sense of renewal for individuals. It can offer peace of mind and allow individuals to adhere to cultural or traditional expectations.

Cons: Potential risks and complications of hymenoplasty include infection, bleeding, scarring, discomfort during intercourse, and dissatisfaction with the results. It's important to have a comprehensive consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss the potential risks and benefits.Face surgery offers the opportunity to enhance facial features, reduce signs of aging, improve facial symmetry, and boost self-confidence. It can address concerns such as sagging skin, wrinkles, facial asymmetry, and disproportionate features, helping individuals achieve a more youthful and balanced appearance.

$ 1500

Prices Starting From

1 Hours

Operation Time

5 Days

Staying in Turkey

0,5-1 Day


4 Days

Hotel Stay

The cost of hymenoplasty in Turkey can vary depending on several factors, including the specific procedure, surgeon's experience, clinic location, and additional services. Prices for hymenoplasty in Turkey generally range from 1500$-3000$. To obtain an accurate estimate based on individual needs, it's advisable to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon.

Good candidates for hymenoplasty are individuals who have personal, cultural, or religious reasons for seeking hymenal reconstruction. Candidates may include those who wish to restore the hymen for traditional or symbolic purposes. A consultation with a skilled plastic surgeon is essential to determine candidacy and discuss personalized treatment options.

Results after hymenoplasty are typically noticeable immediately, although the final appearance and function may require a few weeks to fully settle. It's important to note that individual healing and recovery times may vary.

Recovery time for hymenoplasty varies among individuals, but most patients can expect a recovery period of a few weeks. During this time, it's important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon to support proper healing and minimize discomfort.

During a hymenoplasty procedure, the surgeon will administer anesthesia for your comfort. The specific technique used may vary depending on the desired outcome and your unique anatomical considerations. It typically involves repairing the hymenal tissue using dissolvable sutures to recreate the appearance and function of an intact hymen.

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