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Zirconium Veneer

Zirconium Veneer Turkey, Teeth not only functionally fulfill the process of grinding and breaking down food in the digestive system, they are also determine the ability to speak clearly. In addition, teeth are the first noticeable feature of our face and have an important place in determining facial features and complementing the face.

In particular, smile design is a very important factor in the formation of facial aesthetics. With smile design, patients get more natural, more beautiful and healthy teeth. Dental aesthetics are applied when unnatural tooth color or teeth of various sizes are present.

Dental coatings are made in three ways with current technology. They are made as metal coatings, porcelain veneer and zirconium veneer turkey. Among these applications, the zirconium application, which provides teeth with a natural and aesthetic appearance, is preferred. Zirconium, a pure and white mineral, is processed and transformed into zirconia ceramic, and it is a dental coating that is made without metal and any supporting group. Zirconium veneer prices vary from person to person.

$ 1.000Prices Starting From

6-8 HoursOperation Time

2.5 DaysStaying in Turkey

Zirconium veneers can be applied to all age groups after the permanent teeth have been formed. Zirconium veneers are not recommended until the age of 16-18 due to the possibility of other problems later on, as changes occur in the tooth and jaw structure. Otherwise, it is an application that people who want to have a beautiful smile and aesthetic teeth structure can easily have. Zirconium veneer prices depend on the structural properties of the tooth.
The material is similar to natural teeth and does not contain metal, it transmits light and, in parallel, gives an aesthetic mouth structure. Zirconium veneers, which are in perfect harmony with the textures, do not change color in the future. Zirconium veneers, that are well cared for and cleaned, have been used for many years without any problems. In addition, it has many advantages since there will be no odor formation and taste change in the mouth. Considering these advantages, zirconium veneer prices are mostly secondary. In addition, the application, which has a smooth structure, prevents the formation of plaque and they feel like original teeth.

As an application, zirconium veneers can be easily done to anyone, men or women, who attach importance to dental aesthetics. Thanks to its insulating structure, it provides great comfort to the user by eliminating sensitivity to hot and cold. Considering the comments of the dentists who make the application and people who have had it done, it is concluded that the procedure exceeds expectations. It creates a matte appearance in porcelain coatings as it is light-proof. Zirconium veneer application provides a more vivid and natural appearance due to its low permeability.

Although people who have this application are generally satisfied, some negativities and pain may occur due to application errors. Zirconium veneer prices vary according to the structure of the teeth to be processed and the experience of the doctor who does the processing.

Zirconium veneer is more compatible with gums than porcelain and metal coatings. In addition, bruising and darkening of the gums, which are encountered in other applications, do not occur in zirconium veneer application. Applications that are incompatible with the gums cause the gums to recede and an aesthetically unattractive mouth structure. Zirconium enables smiling, proper digestive system and speech function for many years in complete harmony with the mouth.
Due to its slippery structure, zirconium veneer prevents the formation of plaque and does not change color. Since there is no color formation in the consumption of tea, coffee, cigarettes or foodstuffs, it has positive effects on people psychologically. The price of Zirconium veneers is affected by its versatility which enables its application to teeth of different color.
The tooth brushing process, which we routinely do twice a day, continues with the zirconium veneer application. Any problems after zirconium veneer coating are determined at the routine physician’s checkup 6 months after the veneers have been installed and measures should be taken to eliminate them. Normal tooth brushing is easily done with this application.
Zirconium veneers, which is regularly maintained and controlled, can be used for many years without any problems.
The doctor who decides to change the zirconium application cuts out the zirconium. Therefore, any loss of tissue in the teeth, pain and discomfort are not an issue. The zirconium can be applied again by replacing the former veneers with veneers in new sizes and desired color. Installing porcelain veneers or other applications according to the circumstances depends on the decision of the doctor.
Veneers made with metal supports require that the teeth are reduced and a serious tissue loss occurs. Tissue loss in teeth is less in porcelain applications. After the reduced teeth become healthy, zirconium veneers are produced in a laboratory environment by taking precise measurements using special equipment. These zirconium veneers are adhered to fully adapt to the tooth by means of special adhesives. When viewed from the outside, it is very difficult to distinguish it from the tooth. This application also has a decisive effect on zirconium veneer prices.
Zirconium veneers can be applied to anyone from any age group with permanent teeth regardless of gender. The treatment, which lasts for 1 week, is in the form of preliminary measurement and application. Zirconium veneer prices vary according to the person who will have the application and the tooth structure of the application area.
Zirconium veneers have many advantages over other applications. However, it is a more expensive application compared to other applications. People who have had a zirconium application by inexperienced and incompetent dentists suffer pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages.
Zirconium produced in a laboratory using computer technology is produced in a nearly flawless manner. This application, which can be used for many years, naturally differs from porcelain and other applications because of zirconium veneer prices. A zirconium veneer, which is the first step in an aesthetic smile design, makes it the natural choice of many people. Zirconium veneer prices vary according to the hospital and provinces where the application is made.

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